Welcome. This blog is for guys who wear Kilts in public, or would like to. The scope leans to the modern utility style kilt, or men's unbifurcated garments, MUGS for short. Thereby hopefully avoid the traditional Kilt schools and their various "this is the right way" of the who, what, how, when etc. that can get people riled and reduce the enjoyment of all things Kilt. I'm not here to represent any specific modern Kilt maker unless they want to give me lots of Kilts at a discount, then we can negotiate. Joking, sort of.
As a Kilt wearing guy it is my desire to be part of a community and discussion of questions and suggestions we all spend way too much time typing into a search engine. Questions like what length? What shoes? Sock length? Undergarments or commando? How to answer the "Nice Skirt" comment. From the title of this blog, "Explain your Kilt" is what prompted me to write. Having been asked that a few too many times, and not always nicely--okay rarely nicely, the answers I speak silently like....I will if you explain your huge ass, just wouldn't make a lot of friends and not spread the word that guys in Kilts makes sense from a comfort and fashion standpoint. You gotta have some cajones to even wear one in a public situation that doesn't involve Highland Games or a wedding. So to you, my fellow Kilters I salute you, and promise to always be entertaining, irreverent, honest and even educational.
Stay tuned and bookmark this blog.